Welcome to ASHR

The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) offers rhetoricians multiple points of entry and enthusiasm. It is fitting that the word “society” should lead this welcome, since rhetoricians understand better than most the importance of gathering with others for a common purpose; moreover, being a rhetorician today (as in plenty of other days) can be a dispiriting business, and sociality helps. The common purpose this particular society sustains is the study of rhetoric as a historically situated cultural practice. Accordingly, ASHR’s programming—from panels organized for its annual NCA unit, to papers given at its biennial symposia, to articles published in its journal—promotes discussion about strains and domains of rhetoric in all historical periods, cultural contexts, and theoretical guises.

Upcoming Events

ASHR’s Next First Friday Forum: April 4, 2025

Panel Discussion: Expanding the History of Rhetoric: Pedagogical Puzzles and Possibilities

Friday, April 4 2025

12:00-1:00pm CT

Join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/439iDZw

This month’s forum will explore strategies for teaching an expansive rhetorical history. Curry Kennedy (Texas A&M), Jamie Downing (Georgia College & State University), and Caroline Koons (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) will share pedagogical approaches for broadening students’ understanding of rhetorical history, even within curricular structures that emphasize a single tradition. The discussion will highlight ways to present rhetorical traditions as dynamic responses to historical exigences rather than as belonging to a single dominant framework.

Our panelists will speak as editors of the ongoing ASHR Expanding the History of Rhetoric Pedagogy Initiative, which is seeking proposals for pedagogical resources designed to support instructors interested in broadening their approaches to rhetorical history. Accepted authors will receive an honorarium upon successful completion of their materials and publication on ASHR’s website. The full call for proposals can be found here: https://ashr.org/2025/02/expanding-the-history-of-rhetoric-pedagogy-initiative-call-for-proposals-mar-15/

Join our “First Friday Forum” via zoom: https://bit.ly/439iDZw. ASHR membership is not required to attend—all are welcome!

About the ASHR First Friday Forum Series: Inspired by the classical conception of the forum as an intellectual gathering place, ASHR’s “First Friday Forum” series promotes educational programming, professional development, and an inclusive, collaborative virtual community. It is our hope that this virtual space will foster dynamic, cross-disciplinary scholarly engagement for those interested in reexamining and reimagining the various histories of rhetoric across all periods, languages, cultures, and modes of performance. The Spring 2025 “First Friday Forum” series will focus on key questions related to the research and teaching of the history of rhetoric / rhetorical history. These virtual gatherings will take place on February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2, 2025 from 12:00-1:00pm Central Time via Zoom.

Please direct any questions to ASHR Vice President Dr. Allison Prasch (aprasch@wisc.edu) or ASHR Special Programs Coordinator Dr. Kristen Einertson (carl4818@umn.edu).

NCA 2025 & RSA 2026

We look forward to featuring ASHR-specific programming at the 111th National Communication Association annual conference in Denver (November 20-23, 2025) and planning for the ASHR Symposium to be held just prior to the Rhetoric Society of America 2026  conference in Portland (May 21-22, 2026).