Transcript of Business Meeting
ASHR Panels
ASHR is pleased to sponsor the following panels and papers at NCA 2022. Make sure to add these to your conference schedule!
Spotlight Panel: New Books in the History of Rhetoric
Thu, 11/17: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM CST
Marriott | Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon B – 3rd Floor
Chair: Carly S. Woods, University of Maryland
Wallis Baxter III, Second Baptist Church SW
Matthew deTar, Ohio University
Earle J. Fisher, Memphis Theological Seminary
Mary Ann Trasciatti, Hofstra University
Keith Lloyd, Kent State University Stark
Ned O’Gorman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Maurice Wallace, Rutgers University
Erik Johnson, Stetson University
Robert Terril, Indiana University
Emily Brennan-Moran, George Mason University
Scott Stroud, University of Texas, Austin
Nathan A. Crick, Texas A&M University
Rhetorical Histories of Place, Memory, Identity, and Resistance
Fri, 11/18: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM CST
Marriott | Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon B – 3rd Floor
Keeping with this year’s conference theme, “Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment,” panelists examine the rhetorical histories in/of place within a variety of national/international contexts.
Co-Sponsor: Emphasizing Place
Chair: Allison M. Prasch
“‘The Capital of an Extensive Empire’: The Rhetorical Construction of Washington, D.C.,” Allison M. Prasch, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“A Road Runs Through It: Technologies of Display in North Cascades National Park.” Travis Cram, Western Washington University, and Rae Lynn Schwartz-DuPre, Western Washington University
“Reclaiming Space(s): Aztlán as Challenge to American Exceptionalism in the 1970s,” José G. Izaguirre, University of Texas, Austin
“The Community Remembrance Project: Expanding Lynching’s Legacy Spatially, Dialogically, and Historically,” Megan Irene Fitzmaurice, University of Texas, Arlington
“The Rhetorical Construction of (Post)Memory and Place in Assad’s Syria,” Noor Ghazal Aswad, University of Alabama
American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) Business Meeting
Fri, 11/18: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM CST
Marriott | Galerie 4 – 2nd Floor
Alessandra Beasley Von Burg, Wake Forest University
Jordan Thomas Loveridge, Mount St. Mary’s University
Michele Kennerly, Pennsylvania State University
Bjørn F. Stillion Southard, University of Georgia
Allison M. Prasch, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cory Geraths, Eureka College
Ned O’Gorman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Martin Camper, Loyola University Maryland
Kundai Chirindo, Lewis & Clark College
Ben Crosby, Brigham Young University
Jamie Downing, George College & State University
Mobilizing Memory, Identity, and Place
Sat, 11/19: 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM CST
Sheraton | Napoleon Ballroom A2 – 3rd Floor
Co-Sponsor: Emphasizing Place
Chair: Megan Itoh, University of Maryland
Respondent: Jamie Downing, Georgia College & State University
“Finding Rome from Exile,” Anthony Joseph Irizarry, Pennsylvania State University
“Scots-Irish or Something Else? Crops, Migration, and The Rhetoric of Appalachian Culinary Tourism,” Ashli Q. Stokes, University of North Caroline at Charlotte, and Wendy Atkins-Sayre, University of Memphis
“The Indian suffragettes photograph: Memory across time,” Shreya Singh, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Walking to Washington: U.S. Suffrage Hikers’ Mobile Performance of White Militarism, Heroism, and Pilgrimage, 1913,” Tiffany Lewis, Baruch College, CUNY
Rhetorics of Citizenship, Memory, and Forgetting
Sat, 11/19: 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM CST
Marriott | Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon B – 3rd Floor
Chair: Madison A. Krall, Seton Hall University
Respondent: Brandon M. Inabinet, Furman University
“How Trent Lott Rose (and Fell) Again: A Case of Rhetorical Forgetting and Remembrance,” Gil Carter, University of Alabama
“n the Saga of Time: Temporality and Citizen Opposition to Radioactive Waste in Wisconsin,” Allyson A. Gross, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Two Visions of the American Civil Religion: Bush I and Bush II in Washington National Cathedral,” Ben Crosby, Brigham Young University
“‘All the Laws But One’: Abraham Lincoln, Habeas Corpus, and Executive Power,” Donovan S. Bisbee, Baruch College, CUNY
On the Sublime and Rhetoric’s Limits
Sun, 11/20: 9:30 AM – 10:45 CST
Sheraton | Napoleon Ballroom D1 – 3rd Floor
Chair: Gina L. Ercolini, University of South Carolina
“Disruption and the Discordant Accord: The Sublime and the Disaster,” Gina L. Ercolini, University of South Carolina
“Populism Envy and the Democratic Sublime,” Michael A. Kaplan, Baruch College, CUNY
“The Ontological Sublime: Quasi-Objects and Rhetorical Futurity,” Byron Hawk, University of South Carolina
“The Sublime and the Aesthetics of Order,” Ned O’Gorman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Call for Papers
Submission Deadline Dates: Mon, 1/10 2022 12:00 AM EST – Thu, 3/31 2022 3:00 AM EST EDT
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites submissions in the form of individual papers, paper sessions, and panel discussions for the 108th NCA Annual Convention, “Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community and Environment,” to be held November 17-20, 2022 in New Orleans, LA. Convention Central will open for submissions on January 10, 2022. All Submissions must be uploaded by Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:59 PM (PST).
ASHR’s mission is to promote the study of the theory and practice of rhetoric across periods, languages, and cultural contexts. Conceiving of the history of rhetoric in expansive, pluralistic terms, ASHR promotes conversation and scholarship that treats any aspect, facet, and tradition of the history of rhetoric, drawn from formal or informal archives, and informed by a diversity of theoretical and methodological traditions.
Although ASHR welcomes any submission that fits our general mission, we are particularly interested in scholarship that aligns with the conference’s theme “Honoring PLACE.” Generally, these submissions might center how space and place intersect with and/or are folded through histories of rhetorical production and practice. Such questions of place may manifest more specifically through:
- People: Exploration of how situated individuals or groups influenced or contributed to untold rhetorical histories or how we might engage new perspectives by attending to their work and legacies
- Liberation: Consideration of rhetorical practices or traditions that resist dominant ways of doing or knowing
- Advocacy: Analysis of specific historical contexts in which practitioners work towards political, social, or cultural change
- Community: Reflection on how rhetorical practices manifest within cultural groups and/or are used to maintain, negotiate, or defend cultural boundaries
- Environment: Examination of cultural, structural, or physical factors that have shaped rhetorical histories and the production of rhetorical practice.
1) Individual Papers: ASHR considers complete papers of no more than 8,000 words (including references). Please remove all author-identifying information from the paper and include a description of no more than 250 words. Submissions should include title, paper description (abstract), keywords, and author information in the appropriate sections of the electronic submission form. If all authors are students, please select “Student Paper” in the submission form to be considered for the ASHR Top Student Paper award. Annual awards will be presented at the ASHR Business Meeting and featured on the ASHR website.
2) Paper Sessions: ASHR invites cohesive proposals for paper sessions. The proposal should include (1) a session title, (2) a 200-300 word thematic description and overall rationale for the panel, (3) a paper title and 250-word description for each paper, (4) a designated chair, (5) respondent (optional), and (6) participant contact information. Please do not submit full papers with paper session proposals.
3) Panel Discussions: While ASHR generally prefers papers and paper sessions, we will also review proposals on timely, well-grounded, and focused topics particularly suitable for discussion format. Panel discussion proposals should include: (1) a panel title, (2) a 200-300 word thematic description, (3) a 200-300 word rationale justifying the session topic and requirement for a discussion format, (4) designated chair, and (5) participant contact information.
All submitters are encouraged to review the Professional Standards for Convention Participants prior to submission. Helpful resources, including live and recorded step-by-step instructions on how to submit, are available in NCA’s Convention Resources Library. (https://www.natcom.org/convention-events/convention-resources/convention-resource-library)
By way of general reminders:
- For all submission types, A/V requests should be made at time of submission.
- Sessions should include individuals representing multiple institutions and no single person should serve more than one role (i.e., chair, respondent, or presenter).
- If you submit work, you are making a firm commitment to register for and attend the convention. Similarly, prior to submitting a proposal that includes other presenters in any capacity, secure their permission to include them and confirm their commitment that they will register for, attend, and present at the convention upon acceptance of the program.
- You should submit only original work that has not been presented at another conference and that is not concurrently under consideration for another conference. Submitted material should not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.
- A paper or panel may not only be submitted to more than one NCA interest group or affiliated organization.
- Ensure you that you can produce your full presentation for respondents promptly at their request.
- ASHR is known for strong mentorship and an inclusive, warm community. We will take harassment, intimidation, or any other breach of ethical conduct especially seriously.
MORE INFORMATION: Please visit ASHR’s website (https://ashr.org/) for information about the Society, upcoming events, the journal (Journal for the History of Rhetoric), resources, and more.
Jamie Downing
ASHR NCA Unit Planner 2022
Georgia College & State University
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