ASHR COVID-19-Relief Micro-Grants

Dear Rhetoricians:

We are tendering $50 micro-grants to support non-tenure-track rhetoricians (graduate students, post-docs, teaching faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, “alt-ac”ers). It is not much, but it might enable the purchase of a book for comps or a round of groceries. At this point, we can award only 15 micro-grants, but we hope to offer them again in the coming months. 

To apply, please email the name, position (including university/college, if applicable), and preferred email address of the person (perhaps yourself) who could use this support to ASHR President, Michele Kennerly, at kennerly AT psu DOT edu. This information will not be stored or shared. The grant will come via PayPal, unless the applicant specifies a preference for a check.

These little grants will be divided in the following way: 10 are reserved for the first 10 applicants who fit the non-tenure-track rhetorician criterion and provide the information in the paragraph above; 5 are reserved for the first 5 people fitting that criterion but nominated by an advisor, mentor, or friend, out of acknowledgment that not everyone who could use the modest sum will see this notice or, maybe, feel comfortable applying directly.

Additionally, grant recipients who are members will receive a one-year extension of their membership; grant recipients who are not members will receive a one-year membership.

If you would like to donate to this initiative, click here.


Michele Kennerly, ASHR President
Allison Prasch, ASHR Membership Coordinator
Bjørn Stillion Southard, ASHR Treasurer
& the rest of the ASHR Steering Committee