News from ASHR
Mentor Award Call
American Society for the History of Rhetoric Mentor Award 2024 Call for Nominations
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites submissions for its 2024 Mentor Award.
The ASHR Mentor Award honors an exemplary mentor in the field of rhetorical studies, whose record of supporting students and other young scholars embodies the standards and values of the discipline. Please submit nomination materials to Jordan Loveridge at j.t.loveridge@msmary.edu. The deadline for nomination is October 24, 2024.
To be considered for the award, nomination materials should include:
§ A 1 to 2-page letter of nomination from the person submitting the materials
§ Up to two additional letters of support from individuals who have worked closely with the
§ An up-to-date copy of the nominee’s CV
§ Optional: Additional supporting materials, such as representative comments from current
or former students and colleagues, evidence of excellence in mentoring such as previous awards, etc.
Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- § Consistent, on-going, and superlative support for others working on projects related to the history of rhetoric
- § Specific support and advocacy for students, community members, and/or colleagues historically marginalized within the study of the history of rhetoric
- § Investment in mentorship roles that extends beyond the requirements of the nominee’s paid positions
- § Evidence of the mentor’s lasting impact within the field of rhetorical history, on the nominee’s campus, and/or in larger communities
For this year, ASHR membership is not required for award consideration, but please do consider the benefits of joining.
Please submit all materials via email (MS Word or PDF) to the selection committee chair, Prof. Ben Crosby, at ben_crosby@byu.edu.
The deadline for submissions is October 24, 2024.
For more on ASHR awards, including a list of past winners, click here.
Ben Crosby – Professor Department of English Brigham Young University ben_crosby@byu.edu
Dissertation Award Call
American Society for the History of Rhetoric Dissertation Award
2024 Call for Nominations
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites submissions for its 2024 Dissertation Award.
The ASHR Dissertation Award honors an exemplary dissertation treating rhetorical history (broadly construed) that was defended between September 2023 and September 2024. ASHR membership is not required for award consideration, but please do consider the benefits of joining.
Please submit all materials via email (MS Word or PDF) to the selection
committee chair, Prof. Jamie Downing at jamie.downing@gcsu.edu. The deadline for submissions is October 13, 2024.
To be considered for the award, please submit:
- A 1-2-page dissertation abstract
- The dissertation’s table of contents
- One representative chapter (Do not send complete dissertations)
- A letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor or a committee member that includes the defense date. Recommendation letters can be sent to the selection committee chair by either the applicant or the recommendation writer.
ASHR encourages a pluralistic conception of the history of rhetoric. The selection committee hopes to see dissertations treating histories of rhetoric from around the world that focus on any time period, draw on any type of archive, and use any method of rhetorical or historical analysis. We particularly welcome dissertation projects that contribute to work on diversity, equity, and access through topic, content, citational choices, and/or framing.
Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Significance of the work’s contribution to histories of rhetorical theory, practice, and/or pedagogy
- Quality of research and analysis
- Clear, engaging writing style
For more on ASHR awards, including a list of past winners, click here.
Jamie Downing (she/her)
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
Georgia College & State University
ASHR Symposium Program
The 2024 ASHR Symposium in Denver, CO is just around the corner! Please review the program here. We hope to see you there!
Extended JHR editor deadline
Dear ASHR members,
The Journal for the History of Rhetoric search committee has extended the deadline for applications through May 31st. The initial call for applications is copied below. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the search committee via email.
Call for Applications: Editor, Journal for the History of Rhetoric, 2024-2026/7 Term
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric’s editorial search committee (Jordan Loveridge, Dave Tell, Ekaterina Haskins) invites applications for the next editor of Journal for the History of Rhetoric (JHR). Published by Penn State University Press, JHR publishes quality scholarship on all aspects of rhetoric, in all historical periods, with reference to all intellectual, national, and cultural communities. The journal not only welcomes contributions from scholars who take diverse historical approaches to the study of rhetoric, it also seeks to broaden the realm of historical inquiry into rhetoric by publishing essays that investigate topics, texts, and controversies that have not typically been included in the canon of rhetorical history. JHR’s scholarly scope includes, but is not limited to, argumentation; public address; rhetorical criticism and discourse; the history of rhetorical instruction and pedagogy; historical perspectives on rhetorical theory; the history of rhetoric and social movements; and the relationship between rhetoric and other disciplines and cultural institutions.
The editor will be appointed to a three-year, renewable term. The editor will be responsible for assembling and appointing a review board, supervising the manuscript review process, and preparing manuscripts for final production. The new editor will work closely with current editor Ned O’Gorman to navigate the transition as they become acquainted with JHR’s publication process. In addition to overseeing all editorial matters associated with JHR, the editor also serves as an officer and Steering Committee of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR).
While the committee welcomes applications from candidates at many career stages, we ask that all applicants hold tenure-line positions.
Additionally, the committee believes that institutional support is essential for the editor-elect and a central component of the journal’s success. As such, we ask that applicants provide evidence of institutional support as part of their application materials. Typical support includes 1 course release/year and graduate assistance. In addition, ASHR will provide a one-time research and travel stipend of $3,000 to support the editor’s research agenda and engagement with the discipline upon appointment.
Please forward applications and address any questions to ASHR President Jordan Loveridge (j.t.loveridge@msmary.edu). Applications should include an abridged curriculum vita and short cover letter that speaks to the applicant’s qualifications and editorial vision, as well as the potential for institutional support. Deadline for applications: May 31, 2024. The search committee will recommend an editor-elect in May 2024.
Call for Applications: Editor, Journal for the History of Rhetoric, 2024-2026/7 Term
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric’s editorial search committee (Jordan Loveridge, Dave Tell, Ekaterina Haskins) invites applications for the next editor of Journal for the History of Rhetoric (JHR). Published by Penn State University Press, JHR publishes quality scholarship on all aspects of rhetoric, in all historical periods, with reference to all intellectual, national, and cultural communities. The journal not only welcomes contributions from scholars who take diverse historical approaches to the study of rhetoric, it also seeks to broaden the realm of historical inquiry into rhetoric by publishing essays that investigate topics, texts, and controversies that have not typically been included in the canon of rhetorical history. JHR’s scholarly scope includes, but is not limited to, argumentation; public address; rhetorical criticism and discourse; the history of rhetorical instruction and pedagogy; historical perspectives on rhetorical theory; the history of rhetoric and social movements; and the relationship between rhetoric and other disciplines and cultural institutions.
The editor will be appointed to a three-year, renewable term. The editor will be responsible for assembling and appointing a review board, supervising the manuscript review process, and preparing manuscripts for final production. The new editor will work closely with current editor Ned O’Gorman to navigate the transition as they become acquainted with JHR’s publication process. In addition to overseeing all editorial matters associated with JHR, the editor also serves as an officer and Steering Committee of the American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR).
While the committee welcomes applications from candidates at many career stages, we ask that all applicants hold tenure-line positions.
Additionally, the committee believes that institutional support is essential for the editor-elect and a central component of the journal’s success. As such, we ask that applicants provide evidence of institutional support as part of their application materials. Typical support includes 1 course release/year and graduate assistance. In addition, ASHR will provide a one-time research and travel stipend of $3,000 to support the editor’s research agenda and engagement with the discipline upon appointment.
Please forward applications and address any questions to ASHR President Jordan Loveridge (j.t.loveridge@msmary.edu). Applications should include an abridged curriculum vita and short cover letter that speaks to the applicant’s qualifications and editorial vision, as well as the potential for institutional support. Deadline for applications: May 31, 2024. The search committee will recommend an editor-elect in May 2024.
Douglass Day 2024! (Featuring Dr. Kirt Wilson)
ASHR is excited to encourage its members (and others) to participate in this year’s Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thon on February 14!
In support of this year’s event, we encourage our members (and others) to consider the reflection of Dr. Kirt Wilson, former RSA President and Head & Associate Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences at Penn State:

Douglass Day 2024! (Featuring Dr. Susan Jarratt)
ASHR is excited to encourage its members (and others) to participate in this year’s Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thon on February 14!
In support of this year’s event, we encourage our members (and others) to consider the reflection of Dr. Susan Jarratt, former ASHR President and Professor Emerita of University of California, Irvine:

ASHR at NCA 2024! CFP is now available. Please consider submitting!
At this year’s meeting of the National Communication Association in New Orleans, ASHR hopes to have a number of panels and engaging conversations. Please review the ASHR CFP here and consider submitting! We look forward to seeing you this fall in Louisiana!
Douglass Day 2024! (Featuring Dr. Glen McClish)
ASHR is excited to encourage its members (and others) to participate in this year’s Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thon on February 14!
In support of this year’s event, we encourage our members (and others) to consider the reflection of Dr. Glen McClish, former ASHR President and Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric & Writing Studies at San Diego State University:

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