ASHR 2016 Symposium

May 26–27, 2016
Hilton Downtown, Atlanta
Click here for program
Tiffany Kinney speaks on “Tracing the Conversation between Sonia Johnson and the Mormon Church”
Scott Stroud offers welcoming remarks in the absence of Kassie Lamp, ASHR President
Heather Hayes speaks on “The ‘Citizen Becoming’ in Jordan”
Christopher Adamczyk speaks on “The Rhetorical Battle for Atlanta’s Past”
Diane Favro speaks on “Reading Augustan Rome”
Jeffry Davis speaks on “The Institutio Oratoria’s Composing Narrative”
Dave Tell speaks on “Whose Emmett Till”
Cory Geraths speaks on “Christianity In Situ”
David Zarefsky offers a special response to ASHR attendees
Notes, notes, notes
Katie Homar speaks on “Parliamentary Orators In and Out of Situ”
Mary Anne Trasciatti speaks on “Engaged Spectatorship at the Site of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire”
Courtney Rivard speaks on “The Smithsonian’s September 11th and Hurricane Katrina Disaster Archives”
Jordan Loveridge speaks on “Memory, Sensation, and Civic Identity in the Stained Glass of Chartres Cathedral”
Erin Chandler speaks on “Establishing Anne Braden’s Rhetorical Ethos as Southern Social Gospeler”
Relatively attentive listening . . .
Fun at the ASHR reception
Allison M. Prasch speaks on ““(Re)(Situ)ating Rhetoric in Place”
More attentive listening
Michele Kennerly speaks on “Socrates, Ex Situ?”
Richard Enos speaks on “The Archaeology of Ancient Rhetoric”
James Murphy speaks on “The Rhetorica Christiana (1574) of Diego Valades”
Megan Eatman speaks on “Rethinking Spectacle at the Moore’s Ford Lynching Reenactment”
Yun Ding speaks on “Rhetoric in situ as a Methodological Recommendation”
Even more fun at the ASHR reception
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