ASHR at NCA 2021
Seattle, Washington | November 18-21, 2021

American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) Business Meeting
Sat, 11/20: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Business Meeting Documents:
ASHR Panels
ASHR is pleased to sponsor the following panels and papers at NCA 2021. Make sure to add these to your conference schedule!
The Insides and Outsides of Global Rhetorics
Thu, 11/18: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Adam Cody, Virginia Military Institute
“A Nomadic Encounter with the Analects of Confucius,” Peter Zhang, Grand Valley State University
“Conceptualizing Samurai Rhetoric with Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s Hagakure,” Ian E. J. Hill, University of British Columbia
“Deceitful Craft or Skillful Art: Debating Fashion in Ancien Regime France,” Marissa G. Croft, Northwestern University
“Rhetoric for Barbarians: Friedrich Nietzsche on German Style,” Christopher Swift, University of Maryland
“The Language of Despotism: The Ottoman Empire and American Revolutionary Rhetoric,” David Dockery, Wake Forest University
Vital Rhetorics of Health and the Body
Thu, 11/18: 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Katie P. Bruner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Respondent: T. Kenny Fountain, University of Virginia
“Clinical Advocacy as Resistance: The Case of Rebecca Davis Lee Crumpler,” Bailey Flynn, Northwestern University
“Complicating Culpability: Planned Parenthood’s Historical Apologia on Margaret Sanger,” Jennifer Woolley, Ohio University
“Mediated Health Narratives and Regulatory Rhetoric: Framing Women as In-Need of Oversight in the Sherri Chessen Finkbine Thalidomide Story,” Madison A. Krall, University of Utah
“Peirce, Nietzsche, and the Modernist Reinvention of Rhetoric,” Peter D. Simonson, University of Colorado, Boulder
Rhetoric in the Origins of Engineering Education: Curricular Transformation
Fri, 11/19: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair and Respondent: Elizabethada Wright, University of Minnesota Duluth
“Rhetoric in Early Engineering Education at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,” Stephen M. Halloran, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“The Origins and Growth of Rhetorical Theory and Praxis at MIT,” Andreas Karatsolis, MIT
“Rhetoric, Indiana: Tracing the Foundations of Rhetoric at Purdue University,” Jennifer Bay, Purdue University, and Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Purdue University
“Present at the Creation: Rhetoric at the North Carolina College of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts,” Carolyn R. Miller, North Carolina State University
New Frontiers of Space and Place
Fri, 11/19: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Max M. Renner, Molloy College
Respondent: Kundai Chirindo, Lewis & Clark College
“Pittsburgh’s Breathing Spot: Rhetoric of Schenley Park in the Late Nineteenth Century,” Kaitlyn Haynal, University of Maine
“Sylvan Memories: Witnessing Racial Terror and the American Civil War,” Natalie L. Bennie, Pennsylvania State University
“The Birth of a Genre: Rowlandson’s Captivity Narrative, Rhetorical Exigency, and a Typology of Terror,” Brian Fehler, Texas Woman’s University
Transforming Democracies: Rhetorics of Advocacy and Dissent
Fri, 11/19: 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Jennifer A. Keohane, University of Baltimore
“Coalition Building in the Name of Black Freedom: The Rhetorical Lives of Rosalee McGee,” Jaclyn Nolan, University of Georgia
“Parrhesiac Voice: Freedom Riders, Singing Dissent, and Parchman Prison,” Caroline C. Koons, Pennsylvania State University
“The Ally of Truth and the Enemy of Slander: Judging Audiences in Antiphon’s Forensic Oratory,” Adam Cody, Virginia Military Institute
“W.E.B. Du Bois and the Spiritual Cultivation of Democratic Individuality: Black Interiority, Affective Agency, and Pragmatic Meliorism in The Souls of Black Folk,” Clayton L. Terry, University of Texas, Austin
“‘I’m Freedom’s Safest Place’: Narrative Vision, the NRA, and the Postracial Transformation of Voice,” Richard Branscomb, Carnegie Mellon University
“The Colored Conventions Movement: Black Organizing in the Nineteenth Century”: A New Book for the History of Rhetoric
Sat, 11/20: 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Caroline C. Koons, Pennsylvania State University
Andre E. Johnson, University of Memphis
Anita J. Mixon, Wayne State University
Kaitlyn Patia, Whitman College
Michael J. Steudeman, Pennsylvania State University
Kirt H. Wilson, Pennsylvania State University
Eudaimonia in the Anthropocene
Sat, 11/20: 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Sheraton | Issaquah AB, Third Floor
Chair: Victoria J. Gallagher, North Carolina State University
Cynthia P. Rosenfeld, North Carolina State University
Sean Quartz, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Christopher J. Oldenburg, Illinois College
Christopher J. Gilbert, Assumption College
Johanna Hartelius, University of Texas, Austin
Robert Hariman, Northwestern University

Call for Papers
The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites submissions in the form of individual papers, paper sessions, and panel discussions for the 107th NCA Annual Convention, “Renewal & Transformation,” November 18-21, 2021, in Seattle, Washington. NCA Convention Central will open for conference submissions on January 11, 2021. Submissions MUST be uploaded to the site by Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 11:59 pm (Pacific Time).
The purpose of ASHR is to promote the study of the theory and practice of rhetoric in all periods, languages, and cultural contexts.
Although we welcome any submission that fits our general mission, we will be especially interested at this conference in:
- when and why concepts of restoration, rebirth, and natality or of change and metamorphosis appear in the history and historiography of rhetoric;
- when and how emergence from a period of illness, literal or figurative, has informed the practice, theory, or teaching of rhetoric;
- placing emphasis on transformative yet commonly overlooked aspects of the history and historiography of rhetoric;
- insights into the NCA theme influenced by or centering on people and events in the history of the state of Washington (e.g., Indigenous peoples; Chinese immigrants; the grunge movement; the WTO protests in 1999; industries, such as fishing, technology, or transportation; modes of sublimity in Twin Peaks).
1) Individual Papers: We will consider complete papers of no more than 8,000 words (including references). Please remove all author-identifying information from the paper and include a description of no more than 250 words. If all authors are students, please select “Student Paper” in the submission form to be considered for the ASHR Top Student Paper award. It will be presented with fanfare at the ASHR Business Meeting and featured on the ASHR website, alongside our dissertation award winner.
2) Paper Sessions: We also invite cohesive proposals for paper sessions. The proposal should include a session title, a 200-300 word thematic description and overall rationale for the panel, a paper title and 250-word description for each paper, a designated chair, respondent, and participant contact information. Please do not submit full papers with paper session proposals.
3) Panel Discussions: While ASHR generally prefers papers and paper sessions, we will also review proposals on timely, well-grounded, and focused topics particularly suitable for discussion format. Panel discussion proposals should include a panel title, a thematic description of 200-300 words, a rationale that both justifies the topic and why a discussion format is required, a designated chair, and participant contact information.
For all submission types, A/V requests should be made at time of submission. Sessions should include individuals representing multiple institutions, and a single person should not serve more than one role (i.e., chair, respondent, or presenter).
NCA offers wonderful resources for preparing your submission ( If you submit work, you are making a firm commitment to register for and attend the convention. Please only submit work that has not been presented elsewhere and is not under consideration for presentation at another conference or for publication. Submit a given paper or panel to only one NCA unit, and be sure that you can produce your full presentation for respondents promptly at their request. ASHR is known for strong mentorship and an inclusive, warm community. We will take harassment, intimidation, or any other breach of ethical conduct especially seriously, through NCA’s stated policies.
Please visit ASHR’s website for further information about the society including upcoming events, the journal (Journal for the History of Rhetoric), resources, and more:
Anne Kretsinger-Harries, Iowa State University
ASHR NCA Unit Planner 2021
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