Call for Nominations: Inaugural ASHR Outstanding Mentor Award

American Society for the History of Rhetoric
Outstanding Mentor Award

Call for Nominations

The American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) invites submissions for its inaugural Outstanding Mentor Award. We are excited to introduce this award and to recognize the formative, consequential mentoring that sustains the history of rhetoric and those who study it.

Eligibility: Nominees for the Award must be: a) either current members of ASHR or willing to join upon receipt of the award and b) have a past relationship with or be willing to commit to a future relationship to ASHR.

Nomination packets must include:

  1. A letter of nomination outlining how the nominee fulfills the Award criteria (see below);
    1. The nominee’s current CV;
    1. At least one but no more than two letters of support signed by at least two people who have first-hand experience with the nominee’s mentorship (e.g., mentees, community members, students).

The selection committee will base its decision on the following criteria:

  1. Consistent, on-going, and superlative support for others working in or with the history of rhetoric;
    1. Specific support and advocacy for students, community members, and/or colleagues historically marginalized within the study of the history of rhetoric;
    1. Investment in mentorship roles that extends beyond the requirements of the nominee’s paid positions;
    1. Evidence of the mentor’s lasting impact within the field of rhetorical history, on the nominee’s campus, and/or in larger communities.

Please submit all materials via email (MS Word or PDF) to the selection committee co-chair, Prof. Christa Olson, at (.)

The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2021.

For more on ASHR awards, including a list of past winners, click here.

Dr. Christa Olson
Department of English
University of Wisconsin-Madison