Call for ASHR Leadership Nominations

Dear ASHR Members,

In preparation for our annual business meeting in a few weeks (more to come on that, soon!), we are soliciting nominations for several ASHR leadership positions.

If you or a colleague are interested in getting more involved in the organization, please consider nominating yourself (or a colleague!) for one of these positions using this Google form. Nominations are due by Monday, November 6.

If you have additional questions, please contact ASHR Vice President Jordan Loveridge at

Join ASHR at the 2023 NCA Conference!

Please join us for a diverse and exciting array of ASHR panels at the upcoming National Communication Association (NCA) Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. More information, including the full ASHR at NCA program, can be found here.

Introducing the new JHR Scholars-in-Dialogue Format

JHR welcomes your reviews and suggestions for reviews! In an effort to facilitate more conversations about recent books, we are now offering the new Scholars-in-Dialogue format, which is an opportunity for a discussion-based engagement with a new book. Two (or three at most) scholars agree on a set of questions to consider and produce a dialogic exchange, offering their perspectives and addressing each other’s points. They work together to engage with the book’s contributions (and/or weaknesses) from different perspectives, from an assessment of its historiographical approach (if appropriate) to possible pedagogical implications. This format works best for the type of scholarship that charts new directions or offers new paradigms to the field. The review is intended to stimulate an open-ended conversation about the book. 

In addition, please take a look at our website to see the variety of review formats we accept; submissions are highly encouraged. 

Announcing ASHR’s Douglass Day 2023 Video Series // Today Featuring Dr. Bjørn Stillion Southard

Dear ASHR members:

Long-time and now former treasurer of ASHR, associate professor of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia, and award-winner author of Peculiar Rhetoric: Slavery, Freedom, and the African Colonization Movement, Dr. Bjørn Stillion Southard inaugurates our two-week amplification of the Douglass Day transcribe-a-thon with a short video about the power of transcribing documents pertaining to the freedom struggle of 19th-century African Americans.

This year, the event, organized by faculty and students affiliated with Penn State’s Center for Black Digital Research, is centering the recently digitized papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary, who, among other accomplishments, was one of the first Black women to start a newspaper. In fact, Provincial Freeman was digitized recently by Penn Libraries and is open to all.

If you’d like to participate virtually in the transcribe-a-thon, please register with the Douglass Day organizers!


ASHR’s IDEA Committee


ASHR encourages members to participate in the 2023 Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thon on February 14, 2023! Virtually and digitally join other scholars, activists, students, and members of the public as they work to transcribe the papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary. More information is below.

NCA 2022 is approaching!

NCA 2022 is just around the corner. Don’t miss an exquisite series of ASHR panels at this year’s convention in New Orleans. More information is available here. We hope to see you there!

Room Location Update

Please note that the room for today’s ASHR Symposium panels has been changed. We will no longer be meeting in the Raven room but, instead, in Essex A-B-C.